
TBR Compounding Expert—R&D
1. Work for the development of the compound for the TBR projects. 2. Work for homologation of TBR compounds. 3. Work for homologation of TBR raw materials. 4. Work for adjusting the mixing process, extrusion or calendering process, and vulcanization process of the new TBR compounds. 5. Compound development, Work for the promotion of departmental TBR projects.




1. Work for the development of the compound for the TBR projects.

2. Work for homologation of TBR compounds.

3. Work for homologation of TBR raw materials.

4. Work for adjusting the mixing process, extrusion or calendering process, and vulcanization process of the new TBR compounds.

5. Compound development, Work for the promotion of departmental TBR projects.





1. Development and management of raw materials, experimental evaluation of raw materials;

2. Development and management of new compound, evaluation of the new compound;

3. Daily management and maintenance of formula and raw materials standards;

4. Analysis the market products, study the tendence of the new mixing technologies;

5. Participate in the development of new products and the improvement of current products;

6. Analysis and handling of market complaints;

7. The new TBR Compound is released in the workshop and the workshop non-conforming

8. Products are processed.

9. Complete the work assigned by the department leader.

10. Understand TBR related test equipment and have the ability to establish TBR related test methods.




1. At least bachelor degree in Chemical science and good for polymer science.

2. Minimum 10 years of recent relevant experience in chemical industry.

3. Good knowledge of tire specification, tire design.

4. English can be used as a working language. 




Erin  +86 19862240613  Email:yangje@senturytire.com

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