
Green Tire Designer—R&D
1. Industrialize the tire size which respect Product performance and Industrial performance. 2. Define robust green model to respect cured definition (Cross section, Weight) and Industrial target (Productivity, Quality, Safety)



1. Industrialize the tire size which respect Product performance and Industrial performance.

2. Define robust green model to respect cured definition (Cross section, Weight) and Industrial target (Productivity, Quality, Safety)




1. Green tire definition (Geometry)

2. Product standard

3. Product performance

4. Industrial performance




1. Risk analysis: To lead to make the Process risk analysis of green tire definition with Process technician in order to robustify the model for product performance and industrial performance.

2. Design Guide: To participate to define and follow the guideline for design in order to avoid risk for future and for the following extension sizes.

3. Standard design: To lead to define plant standard design with Tire designer in order to minimize leadtime, maximize productivity and robustify the quality.

4. Green tire geometry: To define geometry of each semi-finish components and production process.

5. Production quality: Improve industrial performance by robustify the before cure model




1. At least bachelor in technical cursus

2. Significant previous similar positions, at least 3 years in tire companies 






Loris  +86  16621397594  Email:biansc@senturytire.com

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