
Sentury-Huagao Graphene’s first graphene conductive tire launching conference was successfully held

The 2016 China International Graphene Innovation Conference opened in Qingdao, China on 22nd 2016. Sentury-Huagao Graphene’s first new graphene electrostatic conductive tires was launched at the innovation conference. The conference showed Sentury’s graphene electrostatic conductive tire which is jointly developed by the company and Qingdao Huagao Graphene.

The press conference gave a detailed information of the test performance of graphene electrostatic conductive tires. The performance compared with ordinary tires: the braking distance on wet ground is shortened by 1.8 meters, and the wet skid resistance is increased by 6%, Safety performance is also improved; tire mileage increased by 1.5-1.8 times, breaking the "devil's triangle" law in the tire formulation, achieving a balanced performance of high wear, high wet skid resistance, and low rolling resistance; tire weight is reduced by 10% ; thermal conductivity is doubled, shortening the curing time and reducing the risk of fast tire pressure losing.

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