
"Sentury Scholarship" of Civil Aviation University of China do its bit in the development of China's aviation industry

In the afternoon of December 8, 2017, Civil Aviation University of China held an Award Presentation ceremony to mark the 82nd anniversary of December 9th Movement (On December 9th , 1935, thousands of university and middle school students in Beijing fearlessly walked on the street in a campaign to resist invasion of China from Japan and to save the country) and to praise the 2016-2017 outstanding students (collective). As one of the enterprises setting up scholarships in the University, Sentury was invited to attend the ceremony where the company's representative awarded 20 excellent college students "Sentury scholarship" as the awarding guest.

Civil Aviation University of China is a higher education institution directly under the Civil Aviation Administration of China, which focuses on the cultivation of senior engineers and management talents of civil aviation. On July 19, 2017, Qingdao Sentury Tire Co., Ltd. and Civil Aviation University of China held a signing ceremony of comprehensive cooperation agreement, opening a new chapter in the construction of national aviation tire industry. According to the agreement, Sentury  set up a scholarship of 100,000 yuan in the Aviation Engineering College of the University, which funds 20 well-performed students annually who are encouraged to work hard and develop themselves in an all-round way.

As the only private enterprise with CTSOA and MDA approval issued by Civil Aviation Administration of China and with the qualification of aircraft tire R & D, design and installation, Sentury has activlely fulfilled its social responsibility with practical actions and carried out China Aviation talent development strategy, which has played a positive role in promoting the talent fostering of Civil Aviation University of China, even China's aviation industry, and making China's aviation industry continue to flourish!

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